Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hit the Ground Running

Here's our travel plans for the next few days:
Early on Saturday morning we will pack the car and head to the Rochester, NY area for a Hanchett family reunion on Saturday afternoon.
On Sunday, after sending off our two older children back home, Donna, Gregg, and Anna will drive across Niagara Falls into Canada. We will have several administrative tasks at the border to gather our paperwork for entry into Canada. Since we will be working as Religious Workers, we expect to receive the OK from the Canadian authorities and be invited in. Please pray for their acceptance of our invitation from Liebenzell and allow us to serve in Canada. We are cognizant that our work in Canada is always based on the good graces of the Canadian government. We are so thankful for the freedoms that God allows us here in North America to serve others in the name of Christ.
After passing across the border, we will head about 90 minutes west and north-- just past the western tip of Lake Ontario-- and arrive in the small village of Moffat and the Liebenzell Canada Retreat Centre. (Thus we will begin our first Canadian English lesson -- it's "Centre" not "Center". There will be several of those new spellings that we need to get used to. LOL)

We will settle in the Retreat Centre-- a building with several (8 or so) guest rooms that will accommodate small church retreats. We will hit the ground running as first on our agenda will be to prepare for the arrival of students from Germany. Along with the Liebenzell Mission Directors we will preparing a week's worth of activities and lessons to orient the young people to their new life in Canada and serving others. We have the benefit of several years of successful orientation sessions to build on. It will be an intense time of getting to know these young servants, encourage them, and introduce them to their new surroundings.

There will be several other things to accomplish in those first few days, but I'll wait and explain them in a future post. Thanks for praying for us during these busy days-- whenever you get the chance.

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