Sunday, July 24, 2011

And then there were none

Suddenly we looked up, and all of our volunteers were gone! After 11 months of intensive, unselfish, and Christ-like service, our volunteer team has finished their term in Canada and returned to Germany. The above scene at Toronto's Pearson International airport on July 18th is representative of the many good-byes we said that day. Dominic, Simon, and Uli (on the left) and Marisa (on the right) are saying good-bye to the family of Jeremy Reurich, the Intern Director of UrbanPromise of Toronto. Mixed feelings were the norm for the day. Their happy thoughts were turned towards seeing their families and friends back home in Germany. But they were also sad to be leaving Canada. A few are already planning their return to Canada in a few short months. It filled us with great joy to listen to each of their plans for the future. Some are off to Bible College. Some will go to a technical university to study engineering. Some have arranged on their own to return to Canada for another year of Christian service. As we prayed for each young person throughout the year we asked the Lord to guide them in their path for the future. God has answered those prayers abundantly!

Typical of the comments we received from supervisors about our volunteers was a statement we heard the morning of their departure. We were picking up Evert and Daniel from Ontario Pioneer Camp, north of Toronto and heard, "You are taking our two greatest guys!" The camp normally has multiple dozens of staff during the summer so it was a great testimony to the character and hard work of these guys during their year. Similar testimonies were heard during the days leading up to their departure. Another testimony to the quality and growth in their Christian walk came as we were loading up the van with their suitcases. Two of the Canadian staff approached the guys and asked for a final prayer time.

Not until after several minutes of prayer fellowship, were we able to finish loading and head to the airport. Good thing we had scheduled plenty of time into our day. There's no way we wanted to interrupt those kind of good-byes.

In all, twelve young people got on the plane that day. Six of our original 18 were already back home in Germany. Beginning Monday all of them will be gathered one more time in Germany for a week-long debrief session. Then on August 1, a NEW group of 18 begins their adventure of preparation for a year in Canada! They arrive here in Toronto on the 26th of August. Donna and I can't wait to welcome them to begin a life-changing year of ministry. Thanks for your participation during this past year. Your partnership and prayers had a huge impact for Christ and his church!

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